Friday, November 27, 2009

Give Thanks

A lot has changed in my life over the last few months. When faced with aversion I always try to stay positive and keep my eye on the good. This Thanksgiving was a special day. I was ready to give thanks to all that I have around me each and every day and to all those who I hold close to my heart. My day began early. Not only is it Thanksgiving day but it is also the love of my life's birthday. I HAD to get up and put the Pumpkin Coffee Cake in the oven early so we could enjoy a little birthday breakfast before Dave had to head to work. Don't bother scrolling down the page to look at the recipe because there isn't one. The coffee cake sucked! I was excited to try it but very disappointed in the outcome. So I won't waste any space on this recipe. Oh and I need a bunt pan. (Maybe this is why it didn't turn out how it should have.)

Dave headed off to work and I worked on stage 2, 3 and 4 of his epic birthday cake, which I feel needs its own post. I heard my phone chirp and tried to find it through the thin layer of smoke that was quickly filling my house (yes, the epic cake was for some reason, overflowing it's pan and dripping all over my oven as it cooked). When I made it to the phone I saw a wonderful message from my very best friend in the whole world wishing me a happy day. My heart welled with love as I thought of how lucky I am to have Tess in my life.

The morning continued in normal holiday cooking fashion. Stirring, spilling, cleaning dishes, making more dirty dishes and cleaning them up again. Opening the door to let the smoke clear, tripping of dogs as they tried to clean up the never ending items hitting the floor and finally a beautiful late morning run with Saly on my favorite trails on earth.

My time out on the trails gives me good perspective. I was able to think of all I am thankful for. First and foremost my family. I have a beautiful new nephew that I was able to spend lots of time kissing and holding a few weeks back. My sister-in-law and her amazing putanesca sauce that she made for us while we were home (RB if your reading this I need that recipe!) My brother for being such a good dad. I was so amazed by his gentleness. My Dad for always making me smile with some dadism he says over the phone. My Mom for calling me on speaker phone as they all sat down for dinner surrounded by my family all wishing me a happy day and Dave a happy birthday and making me feel like I was sitting right there.

I am thankful for my extended holiday family. We have started our own holiday traditions and I believe we have only missed 3 Thanksgivings. We have created some great memories over the years and I love looking back at all that we have done together and it brings a smile to my face.

Although there are so many things that make my life full and I am so thankful for I would like to end with this. My life is full because of what I have chosen to surround myself with. I have chosen a great partner to go through life with and feel blessed by the love Dave gives me. Today is a special day because not only is it a day that I give thanks but it is also the birthday of the one person who gives me the strength to get up each day and make the best of it no matter what!

Happy birthday Dave enjoy each and every minute!

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